Thursday, December 27, 2007

Finally bigger than a Smidgen!

Happy New Year!
The Smidgits brand has expended to a innovative website called This website has 19 millions users, and counting. It also gives us a chance to reach out to more viewers, and move a little closer to taking over the world in 2008. "Sorry... Pinky, and the Brain."
Check out our new channel at . Be sure to laugh and enjoy... if not, throw a tomato at us!

Friday, December 21, 2007


Smidgits creator, Kelly Schwarze spoke with John Ciampa of Bloggers School on Thursday about the earlier days of the brand, and what the future holds for the Smidgits series. You can listen to the show archive at .

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


... AND YOU THOUGHT your Boss was Bad? Ha. Well wait until you get a load of these jerk-off bosses.
Check out a Smidgits classic, BAD MANAGEMENT HOLIDAY.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Kelly Schwarze, President, and co-founder of is scheduled to speak with Blog Talk Radio (Bloggers School) host, John Ciampa on Thursday December 20th at 7:30EST.

The show was originally scheduled for last week. However, scheduling conflicts caused the interview to be postponed. Kelly will speak about the development of the new media industry, and what roll Smidgits plans to take in that future. Kelly will also be announcing the The Smidgits Video Network's new and upcoming series.

The show is scheduled for Thursday December 20th at 7:30EST at However, if you miss the show, you can hear it anytime on the Blogger School archives.

Do not miss this exclusive Interview with Smidgits President and Co-Founder kelly S chwarze, and Blog Talk Radio Host, John Ciampa!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007

#10-The Can Blog – HOLIDAY SPECIAL

It’s tough being Santa Claus during the holidays, but maybe not as tough as being a GARBAGE CAN!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Where in the world is Louis Gossett Jr?

That's right. I am asking... Does anyone even remember good old Louis? If you do make sure you post a response to this. I miss seeing him in really bad movies, like "Iron Eagle"...